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EUSD students have been protecting their local watershed through the SWPPP Internship Program since 2013. Launched with two schools, ECC and LCH, this award-winning program was present in every EUSD school by 2016. Every year the program concludes with each school producing measurable water quality improvements, placing significant site specific BMPs, producing a comprehensive professional SWPPP report, and implementing important pollution prevention outreach campaigns within the community.

LCC & ECC/ 2013-2020
LCC, ECC, ME, FV & OPE/2014-2020
ALL SCHOOL 2016-2020

SWPPP Interns collect and analyze water samples from their school and the community, listen to industry experts to learn about realistic strategies that lead to the reduction and mitigation of pollutants at school and in the community, develop and then their own site-specific best management practices and finally memorialize them in a report and present their findings to multiple stakeholders. Interns have presented their work at venues ranging from local city council meetings, to the California State Water Board, to CalRecycle, and the US EPA.

EUSD Interns were granted $720,000 from the California State Water Board to build six water quality projects on EUSD school sites.

To learn more about the SWPPP Internship, please click here.

In addition to the SWPPP Internship at EUSD, BCK Programs has partnered with the City of Encinitas to assist the school district with the implementation of a comprehensive waste diversion program. Since 2012, members of BCK’s staff have helped the school district reduce their landfill waste by 80%, saving the school district thousands of dollars in water hauling fees each year as well as ensuring they are in compliance with California’s latest regulations regarding recycling, food recovery and organic waste.

These regulations include schools. The latest and most important one is SB 1383. It specifically calls for the reduction of methane produced by landfills is SB 1383, which requires a 50% reduction in organic waste by 2022, and a 75% reduction by 2025.

BCK Programs manages the lunchtime waste diversion program at all EUSD school sites and the composting sites at seven schools. Here are two links to recent videos that students made to help their peers dispose of their lunch waste properly SCRAP Cart https://vimeo.com/475169178 and food waste https://vimeo.com/506207988

Composting and gardening go hand in hand. Starting the 2021 school year-- BCK will begin supervising garden maintenance at each school site and ensure that every school has a baseline garden curriculum that can be followed by teachers or parent volunteers.

In addition to BCK’s pro bono management of EUSD’s Green Team, each year BCK sponsors the Student Excellence in Environmental Leadership or SEEL award for EUSD promoting students. 6th grade students may apply to receive this award in April/May of their final year at EUSD. If awarded, students will walk with a green cord and receive recognition during their promotion ceremony.

SWPPP Instruction
Storm Drain Photo
Storm Drain Water Collection


Second Chance Food
Food Waste Program
Food Waste Program 2